StBiSl accepted by ATLA

Since January 2020, the scientific biblical journal StBiSl has started to be indexed by ATLA Religion Database®. ATLA RDB®, working on the EBSCO platform, provides bibliographic records from the fields of biblical studies, world religion, church history, etc. StBiSl has been selected for inclusion into ATLA RDB® meeting the criteria for scholarly merit a aim. The practical impact of indexing StBiSl in ATLA RDB® is to provide easier access for the members of the religious and theological academic field worldwide to the scientific papers published in StBiSl.

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Prof. Petr Pokorný passed away

January 18, 2020 Prof. ThDr. Petr Pokorný, DrSC., dr.h.c. (1933 – 2020) passed away.

As both excellent theologist and specialist in the New Testament, Prof. Pokorný was a long-time member of the Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University in Prague. In 2009, he also took part in the StBiSl Editorial Board.

R. I. P.

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Kniha žalmov a Kniha Jób – seminár na PBI v Ríme

Pápežský biblický inštitút (PBI) v Ríme organizuje od 20. do 24. januára 2020 seminár pre vyučujúcich a študujúcich sväté Písmo. Témou 9. ročníka je Kniha žalmov a Kniha Jób. Koordinátormi seminára sú prof. Gianni Barbiero (PBI) a prof. Luca Mazzinghi (Pápežská Gregorova univerzita, Rím). Celkovo počas seminára vystúpi 23 prednášajúcich z rôznych svetových akademických inštitúcií. Ukončujúca prednáška bude špeciálne patriť kardinálovi Gianfrancovi Ravasimu. Detailný program tohtoročného seminára pozri tu.

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Studia Biblica Slovaca 11 (2/2019) – published

The content of the current issue StBiSl 11 (2/2019):

  • HÄNER, Tobias: Jobe, Victim of Ironies. A Linguistic Reevaluation of Job 1:10 in Its Context
  • MAJTÁN, Ľubomír: Timothy and Charisma in 1 Tim 4:14: A Recognition or A Transfer through the Laying on of Hands by the Elders?
  • BOTTINI, Giovanni Claudio: Continuity and Innovation in Biblical Tradition: Elijah from 1 Kgs 17-18 to Jas 5:17-18
  • RINDOŠ, Jaroslav: The Greek Genitive εὐδοκίας in Luke 2:1
  • ZAVARSKÝ, Svorad: The Book of Psalms by Blasius Aponi de Nagy Appon (1624) and the Inculturation of Faith

You can find the complete content of the whole issue together with the summaries here.

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