Category Archives: Nezaradené

Current Issue StBiSl – Available Online

The content of the current online issue of StBiSl 16/1 (2024): Click here to read summaries or here to discover the complete issue online. Orders of the printed issue: kniznica(at)

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Journal in the AWOL index

The journal Studia Biblica Slovaca has been included in AWOL – The Ancient World Online (ISSN 2156-2253). The AWOL is a list of 2136 titles of Open Access Journals exploring the ancient world. AWOL is a project of Charles E. … Continue reading

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StBiSl 15/2 (2023) – Available Online

The content of the current online issue of StBiSl 15/2 (2023): Click here to read summaries or here to discover the complete issue online. Orders of the printed issue: kniznica(at)

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StBiSl 15/2 (2023) – Available Soon

In the forthcoming issue StBiSl 15/2 (2023), four scientific studies are going to be published. Three of them deal with the Old Testament (textual criticism of the Hebrew Bible, Book of Judith, and Song of Songs) and one with the … Continue reading

Posted in Časopis / Journal, Nezaradené, Oznamy | Leave a comment