ISSN 1338-0141 (print) ・ ISSN 2644-4879 (online)
StBiSl 16/2 (2024):
- TOV, Emanuel: Divine Names: Different Approaches and Writing Procedures in the Qumran Scrolls
- MINSI ENDOMO, Joël André: Gen 9:18-29 and the Drunkenness of a Main Parental or Divine Figure Entailing the Future of Their Filial Entities
- JOOSTEN, Jan: “King Sihon, Who Dwells in Heshbon”: A Textual Problem in Num 21:34 and Parallels
- KOSZAREK, Tomasz: The Structure and Poetic Elements of Jotham’s Speech (Judg 9:7g-20)
- GOH YEH CHENG, Lionel: Ἄγνοια in Wis 14:22
- FARKAŠ, Pavol: The Apostle Paul before the Members of the Council in Acts 23:1-5: Interpretation of the Biblical Text – Rhetorical Intonational Aspect [in Slovak]
- PANCZOVÁ, Helena: The Life-Giving “Wind over Water”: The Semantics of the Verbs ζωογονέω and ζωοποιέω from Greek Mythico-Philosophical Ideas to the “Holy Spirit, Giver of Life” and the Patristic Debate on Gen 1:2c [in Slovak]
StBiSl 16/1 (2024):
- DUBOVSKÝ, Peter: Critical Exegesis of the Books of Kings in the Light of the Concept of Inspiration
- ŠTRBA, Blažej: Who Can Judge a Manslayer? The Recontextualization of the Legislation about the Cities of Refuge in Josh 20:4-5
- ÁBEL, František: Ioudaïsmos through the Lens of Remembering: Exploration of the Semantic Shift of the Term from Maccabees to the Early Second Century CE
- MALIŠ, Michal: Why Did Jesus Turn Around? The Multiple Significance of Jesus’ Physical Turning in the Synoptic Gospels [in Slovak]
- PANCZOVÁ, Helena: Did Peter in Luke 5:10 Really Become a “Man Catcher”? On the Semantics of the Verb ζωγρέω [in Slovak]
StBiSl 15/2 (2023):
- TOV, Emanuel: Writing an Introduction to the Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible: A Modern Approach
- MÁTIKOVÁ, Anna: “My Beloved Is Different from Myriads of Others”: An Intertextual Analysis of Cant 5:9-16 and Lam 4:1-10
- KORYTIAKOVÁ, Martina: The Two Tents: The Interpretation of Judith’s and Holofernes’ Spaces and Their Functions in the Book of Judith
- MAREČEK, Petr: Paul’s Large Letters in Gal 6:11 [in Czech]
- PANCZOVÁ, Helena: A Few Critical Notes on the Methodology of the New Slovak Translation of the Bible [in Slovak]
StBiSl 15/1 (2023):
- GOSSE, Bernard: The Relation between Davidic Messiah and Mosaic Torah in the Final Redaction of the Five Books of the Psalter
- PRIHATNÝ, Pavel: Some Reflections on Thematic Developments in the Hebrew Manuscript “A” of Ben Sira
- KORYTIAKOVÁ, Martina: Judith’s Two Blows in Jdt 13:8
- ŠTRBA, Blažej: Mattathias as Joshua in 1 Macc 2
- MASCILONGO, Paolo: The “Gentile Mission” in Mark’s Gospel: A Review of Recent Research
- NOVOTNÝ, Štefan: The Trial by Fire and Water: Elijah and Jesus in Luke 12:49-50 [in Slovak]
StBiSl 14/2 (2022):
- GIROLAMI, Maurizio: Hellenistic Interpretation of the Hebrew Text of Prov 8:22-31 up to the Beginning of the Christian Era
- ATTARD, Stefan M.: Self-Portrayal as a ‘Fence around Torah’: An Ethical Critique of Eleazar’s Martyrdom in 2 Maccabees 6:18-31
- WATERS, Kenneth L. Sr: Jesus and the Passover in Mark 14:1-12: A Chronological Confusion?
- PAVELČÍK, Július: The Book of Acts 12:12 – A Contextual Interpretation [in Slovak]
- ŠTRBA, Blažej: Traces of the “Spirit of Wisdom” in the Old Testament [in Slovak]
StBiSl 14/1 (2022):
- VARŠO, Miroslav: The Reception of Song of Moses (Deut 32:1-43) in Psalm 119
- BADLÍKOVÁ, Zuzana – ŠTRBA, Blažej: The Structure of the Prayer in Neh 9:5–10:1: A New Proposal [in Slovak]
- THEKKEKKARA, Biju: Feast of Purification: A New Reading for αἱ ἡμέραι τοῦ καθαρισμοῦ αὐτῶν in Luke 2:22?
- MALIŠ, Michal: Why Did the “Godless” Disappear from the Gospels? Textual Variant in Luke 5:32 and Its Impact on Interpretation
- PIAZZOLLA, Francesco: Balaam and Jezebel in Revelation: The Re-reading of OT Figures?
StBiSl 13/2 (2021):
- HOSŤOVECKÝ, Miroslav: The Interpretation of the Term “Azazel” in the Scapegoat Ritual of Lev 16 and Its Later Reception [in Slovak]
- GOSSE, Bernard: The Administration of the Postexilic Sanctuary in the Line of the Chronicles Traditions, the Governor, the Priest, and Cyrus, and the Charismatic Contestation
- KĽUSKOVÁ, Mykhaylyna: The Portrayal of Gad in 1 Chr 21
- KORYTIAKOVÁ, Martina: The Semi-Figurative Meaning of σκάνδαλα in Jdt 5:1: An Interpretation from the Perspective of an Ancient Warfare Defence
- PRIHATNÝ, Pavel: Poem on Endeavour for Wisdom (Sir 6:18-37): Semantic and Poetic Analysis [in Slovak]
- ÁBEL, František: Elijah in the Message of Paul the Apostle: Typology of the Elijah Figure in Paul’s Missionary Zeal for the Gospel
StBiSl 13/1 (2021):
- CANDIDO, Dionisio: How Was the Book of Judith Received among the Eastern Fathers of the Fourth Century CE?
- KUNJANAYIL, Paul: The Interconnection between the Emmanuel Theme and the Forgiveness of Sins Theme in the Gospel of Matthew
- FENÍK, Juraj: Clothing Symbolism in the Elijah-Elisha Cycle and in the Gospel of John
- MAJTÁN, Ľubomír: Motives of Circumcision of Timothy in Acts 16:1-5: Historical, Ethnical and Religious Aspect of the Circumcision of Timothy in the Acts of the Apostles and the Theological Interpretation From the Perspective of the Early Church Community [in Slovak]
- TICHÝ, Ladislav: How To Understand Paul’s Expression in 1 Cor 7:38b? [in Czech]
- TYROL, Anton: Elijah: Journey in Silence and Toil, with Heavenly Food [in Slovak]
StBiSl 12/2 (2020):
- De PANFILIS Daniela: Not Only a Prophet: The Numerous Faces of Samuel
- ERZBERGER Johanna: Law Terms in the Versions of Jeremiah
- PRIHATNÝ Pavel: Poem on Responsible Life and Concerning Death (Sir 40:28–41:4): Poetic and Semantic Analysis [in Slovak]
- CORLEY Jeremy: Eliah among the Former Prophets in Hebrew Ben Sira 48:1-12
- MARCHESELLI Maurizio: The Range and Significance of the References to Elijah in John’s Gospel
- BALÁZS MARTOS Levente: Prophet and Remnant, Crisis and Renewal: Paul’s Use of the Elijah Story in Romans 11
- PAVELČÍK Július: Elijah in the Letter of James [in Slovak]
- MANNS Frédéric: Jerome and the Jewish Traditions [in Slovak]
StBiSl 12/1 (2020):
- TOV Emanuel: Some Major Israelite Figures in the Former Prophets in the Tradition of the Septuagint
- DUBOVSKÝ Peter: From Miracle-makers Elijah and Elisha to Jesus and Apocrypha
- TICHÝ Ladislav: Rahab the Prostitute in the New Testament
- MAREČEK Petr: Elijah: His Role and Importance in the Gospel of Luke
- PANCZOVÁ Helena: Allegorical Exegesis of the Greek Philosophers as Background of Hellenistic Biblical Exegesis: Literary-cultural Survey [in Slovak]
StBiSl 11/2 (2019):
- HÄNER Tobias: Job, Victim of Ironies: A Linguistic Reevaluation of Job 1:10 in its Context
- MAJTÁN Ľubomír: Timothy and Charisma in 1 Tim 4:14: A Recognition or A Transfer through the Laying on of Hands by the Elders? [in Slovak]
- BOTTINI Giovanni Claudio: Continuity and Innovation in Biblical Tradition: Elijah from 1 Kgs 17–18 to Jas 5:17-18
- RINDOŠ Jaroslav: The Greek Genitive εὐδοκίας in Luke 2:14 [in Slovak]
- ZAVARSKÝ Svorad: The Book of Psalms by Blasius Aponi de Nagy Appon (1624) and the Inculturation of Faith [in Slovak]
StBiSl 11/1 (2019):
- BRAULIK Georg: Intertextual Canonical Reading and Biblical Hermeneutics: Remarks on the Current Dialogue within Old Testament Scholarship [in Slovak]
- ŠTRBA Blažej: From the King’s Jug to the Prophet’s. Exploring the Motif of “Jug” צַפַּחַת in the Masoretic Text [in Slovak]
- GRILLI Massimo: Guidelines and Challenges for New Testament Biblical Theology
- MAJTÁN Ľubomír: Timothy – Paul’s Agent in the Communities. The Status of Agent in the Pauline Epistles in the View of Greco-Roman Diplomatic Correspondence and Rabbinic Halachic Literature [in Slovak]
StBiSl 10/2 (2018):
- KELLENBERGER Edgar: Faceless Divine Energies in the Old Testament? A Conversation with Erhard Gerstenberger
- OLICKAL Mathew: The “Kabod Yahweh” in the Priestly Wilderness Traditions: Numbers 14:10 as a Case Study
- GOSSE Bernard: The 42 Generations of the Genealogy of Jesus in Matt 1:1-17, and the Symbolism of Number 42, Curse or Blessing, in the Bible and in Egypt
- ALEXYOVÁ Adriana: A Proposal for a Structure of the Book of Numbers [in Slovak]
- FASSBERG Steven S.: A Note on the Ellipsis of the Preposition Bet before the Nouns בית and פתח
StBiSl 10/1 (2018):
- KELLENBERGER Edgar: Asenat. Why Have the Tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh an Egyptian Ancestress?
- LOZINSKYY Hryhoriy: Theological Exegesis in LXX? Exod 24:9-11 as a Case in Question
- LUPO Angela Maria: God’s Curse in the Hanged Man. Crux interpretum in Deut 21:23
- MUDROŇ, Jaroslav: Hearer’s Response to Jesus’ Aramaic in Mark
- PANCZOVÁ, Helena: Greek Superscriptions of Psalms. Problem of the Linguistic Interpretation of Isolated Elements [in Slovak]
StBiSl 9/2 (2017):
- KĽUSKOVÁ Mykhaylyna: The Motif of Land as an Object of Ownership in Psalm 37
- KORYTIAKOVÁ Martina: On the Meaning of εἰς παρεμβολὰς αὐτοῦ in Jdt 16:2b
- VILHAN Pavel: The Book of Sirach Full of Inspiration
- BUSCEMI Alfio Marcello: Paul of Tarsus and Mother Church in Jerusalem
- PANCZOVÁ Helena: The Technique of Translating From Biblical Greek (4): An Analysis of the New Slovak Translation of Psalms 50(51)–74(75) According to the Septuagint
- ŠTRBA Blažej: The Influence of the Latin misericors on the New Testament Translation “merciful”
StBiSl 9/1 (2017):
- SOVA Milan: Where Was Buried Biblical Rachel?
- ŠTRBA Blažej: The Extermination of the Nations According to the Book of Joshua or the Intellectual Suicide of the Reader
- STRENKOVÁ Iveta: The Fall of Niniveh in the Book of the Prophet Nahum
- VARŠO Miroslav: The Magi from the East. Biblical and Extra-Biblical Textual Perspective
- CRIMELLA Matteo: God Is Not Like That Judge (Lk 18:1-8)
- ALETTI Jean-Noël: Can One Speak of a Conversion of Paul in the Book of Acts?
StBiSl 8 (2/2016):
- YOUNG Ian: Manuscripts and Authors of the Psalms
- DELY Alan Ján: Typological Significance of Numer Forty in Lucan Writings
- PANCZOVÁ Helena: Verbal Aspect in Biblical Greek: A Concise Description of the Grammatical Category with Its Equivalents in Slovak and English
- ŠTRBA, Blažej: The Jordan Stopped Flowing in Josh 3:17
StBiSl 8 (1/2016):
- KORYTIAKOVÁ Martina: Good or Bad Abram? Critical and Exegetical Observations on the Interpretations of Gen 13
- BARANIAK Marek I.: Motif of “the City” in the Song of Songs
- PRIHATNÝ Pavel: Authentic Way to the Wisdom According to Ben Sira
- PAVELČÍK Július: “The Lord is Compassionate and Merciful” (James 5:11). On One Aspect of God in the Letter of James
StBiSl 7 (2/2015):
- CORLEY Jeremy: Tripartite Creation in Sirach 16:26–17:4
- ŠTRBA Blažej: Boundless is God’s Forgivness? The Hebrew Root slḥ and Its Greek Translations as an Essential Element of the Old Testament Theology of Forgiveness
- FENÍK Juraj: Temporarily Barren: Elizabeth and the Transformation of Women in Luke’s Gospel
- TICHÝ Ladislav: “Be Merciful” (Luke 6:36) in the Context of the New Testament
- KRÁĽOVÁ Dagmar: “For His Mercy Is Everlasting”. An Outline of the Correlation Between Integrity and Mercy in Selected Biblical Characters and Its Clarification From the Psychological Point of View
StBiSl 7 (1/2015):
- VARŠO Miroslav: Deuteronomistic Legal Phraseology
- ŠTRBA Blažej: “Compasionate and Gracious God”: Comparison of Slovak Translations of Certain Divine Attributes with Their Hebrew Original
- GRILLI Massimo: The ‘Fulfillment’ in the Gospel of Matthew
- KELLY Henry Ansgar: Varieties of Exorcism in the Bible and the Church
- KOREČKOVÁ Andrea: Negative Concepts of Women’s Lives in the Other World According to Greek Gravestones and a Comparison with the New Testament Accounts of Women’s Death
StBiSl 6 (2/2014):
- KRÁĽOVÁ Dagmar: For She Loved Much. Outline of the Complementarity of the Narrative Analysis and of the Psychological Aspects in Luke 7:36-50
- PANCZOVÁ Helena: The Technique of Translating From Biblical Greek (3): The Septuagint as the Result and as the Starting Point – The Example of Hebraisms in the Song of Songs
- MITRO Vavrinec Radoslav: Jeremiah in Matthew. Litarary-Theological Study of the Prophet Jeremiah in the Gospel of Matthew
- RINDOŠ Jaroslav: St. Joseph, “Ženích” (the Bridegroom) or “Manžel” (the Spouse, Husband) of the Virgin Mary? Erroneousness of the Designation “ženích” or Its Equivalents in Some Other Languages
StBiSl 6 (1/2014):
- ALEXYOVÁ Adriana: The Development of the Theories on Development of the Biblical Monotheism and the Theory of Mark S. Smith
- FENÍK Juraj: ἐὰν ὑψωθῶ ἐκ τῆς γῆς: Jesus on the Shore in John 21
- ŠTRBA Blažej: From Contemplation to the Praise of the Winged Guardian. A Theological Shift Inside the Psalter in Ps 63:3-4
- TIŇO Jozef: Chronicles and the Final Edition of the Psalter: Comparing the Theologies
- GIUNTOLI Federico: The Eternal Contradictions of David. The Case of 2 Sam 24:1-25
StBiSl 5 (2/2013):
- ALEXYOVÁ Adriana: The Development of the Concept of Deity in the Pre-Exilic Israel
- PAZZINI Massimo: Which language Did Jesus Speak?
- ANDOKOVÁ Marcela: The Figure of David the Penitent in Selected Patristic Commentaries on Psalm 51
- HORKA Róbert: Meaning and Interpretation of Psalm titles in Augustine’s Commentary on Psalms Enarrationes in Psalmos
- PANCZOVÁ Helena: Greek Transitive Verbs Used Intransitively and Linguistic Interpretation of Some Passive Aorists in the Gospel According to Mark (ἐσχίσθη 15,38; συνήχθησαν 2,2; ἠγέρθη 16,6; μετεμορφώθη 9,2)
StBiSl 5 (1/2013):
- MAREČEK Petr: The Psalm 130 in Psalter and in the Gospel of Matthew
- MAREK Libor: War Scroll XII and Its Allusions to Psalm 24
- PANCZOVÁ Helena: The Technique of Translating From Biblical Greek (2): Kinds of Translation Technique in Translating Ancient Literature and the Example of the Translation of Participles in the Slovak Commentary Translation
- VAŇUŠ Marek: “From the Mouth of Infants and Nursing Babes…” Psalm 8:2b.3 and Its Echo in Matt 21:14-16
- ŠTRBA, Blažej: Why “you have denied him” in Ps 8:6a
StBiSl 4 (2/2012):
- BARBIERO Gianni: The Peaceful Messiah of Ps 110
- HOSSLELD Frank-Lothar: Stations of the History of Israel as Throughout Shaping of the Psalter
- CHALUPA Petr: New Song in the Book of Isaiah, in the Book of Psalms and in the Book of Revelation
- ÁBEL František: The Psalms in Paul’s Message in the Context of the Second Temple Judaism Complexities
StBiSl 4 (1/2012):
- BOTTINI Claudio Giovanni: Luke’s Theology, Retrospective and Current Position
- JANČOVIČ Jozef – KRÁĽOVÁ Dagmar: Literary Efficiency of Luke’s Gospel For the Integral Vision of Man
- ŠTRBA Blažej: To Acknowledge the Benefits
StBiSl 3 (2/2011):
- ŠTRBA Blažej: “The Lord’s Revelation” Or “Moses’ Vocation”? Literary Critical Comparison of Titles of Exod 3–4
- KORYTIAKOVÁ Martina: Fragrance in the Meeting Between Beloved and Bride. About the Literary Unity of the Passage of Song 4:5–5:1
- PAVELČÍK Július: “The Perfect Law of Freedom” (James 1:25). Towards the Understanding of the Law in the Letter of James
StBiSl 3 (1/2011):
- HORŇANOVÁ Sidonia: Moses’ Intercessory Prayer in the Book of Exodus
- TIŇO Jozef: Does 2 Tim 3:8-9 Draw Upon a Tradition Related to Ex 7:8-13?
- JUHÁS Peter: Intentional Wordplay in Ex 7:11-12
- STRENKOVÁ Fides Iveta: Witchcraft and the Death Penalty (Ex 22:17)
- KĽUSKOVÁ Mykhaylyna: The Motif of the Promised Land in the Book of Exodus
- SLIVKA Daniel: Early Christian Schools and Their Interpretations of Some Themes From the Book of Exodus
- PODHORSKÝ Ľubomír: A View on Egypt and the Land of Geshen From the Perspective of the Mid-16th Century BCE Exodus
- BERBERICH Dominik: Reflection on Vocation and Election in the Book of Exodus
StBiSl 2 (2/2010):
- SKA Jean Loius: The Book of Exodus: Basic Issues and Open Questions
- BRAULIK Georg: God Fights for Israel. Some Remarks on the Intertextuality of the Deuteronomistic Narrative About the Conquest of the Land and Exodus 1–14
- DUBOVSKÝ Peter: God’s Wrath in the Mesopotamic Royal Inscriptions and in the Book of Exodus
- VLKOVÁ Ivana: “The Lord Is My Strength and Song”. Statement of the Traditional Antiphone (Ex 15:2; Isa 12:2; Ps 118:4)
StBiSl 2 (1/2010):
- JANČOVIČ Jozef: Aronide and Levite Priests
- PAVELČÍK Július: Parable of Treasure in the Field. Gospel of Thomas, Logion 109
StBiSl 1 (2/2009):
- SIMIAN-YOFRE Horacio: What Is Man? Psalm 8 – Meditation On Genesis 1–2
- KĽUSKA Branislav: Theological Message of Jesus’ Farewell Speech in John 13–17 in the Light of the Analysis of Its Literary Genre
- JÁGER Róbert: Gospel as an Ancient bios. Definition of Literary Genre
- KOŠŠ Radoslav: How Is It With a Bible Code?
- HARRINGTON Daniel: Exegesis and Theology. Remarks Delivered at a Panel Discussion at the 2009 Meeting of the Catholic Biblical Association of America
- TYROL Anton: Concept of Preaching and Sanctification in the Priestly Life and Activity According to Benedict XVI and Letter to the Hebrews
StBiSl 1 (1/2009):
- SLIVKA Daniel: Biblical Hermeneutics
- KARAFFA János: Judgement and Suffering of the Prophet Jeremiah and Their Relation to the Songs of the Ebed Yahweh
- ŠOLTÉS Peter: The Process of Relecture in the Gospel of John
- SOVA Milan: The Mighty Pharaoh’s Hand (Exod 3:19)
- MANNS Frédéric: Inexhaustible Richness of the World of God
- TYROL Anton: Spiritual Actualization of Paul’s Message
Studia Biblica Slovaca 2008:
- DUBOVSKÝ Peter: Historical Critical Method and Its Application in the Theological Reflection in Slovakia
- VARŠO Miroslav: Do the Exegets Know What the Prophets Saw?
- GIRARD Marc: Between Two Sunday Evenings (John 20:19-29)
- HERIBAN Jozef: Testimony of Eusebius of Cesarea in Historia Ecclesiastica V,2,2-5 of the Concept of Christ Kenosis and Its Ethical-Paradigmatic Function in Paul’s Letter to Philippians
- MANNS Frédéric: Paul of Tarsus, Illuminated By Christ
Studia Biblica Slovaca 2007:
- TYROL Anton: Biblical Apostolate in 2008
- SCHWIENHORST-SCHÖNBERGER Ludger: Unity Instead of Definiteness
- TIŇO Jozef: Historical Background of Postexilic Mesianic Expectations
- JUHÁS Peter: Psalm 154: Text and Its Critical Examination
- JANČOVIČ Jozef: Sixty Exciting Years With the Qumran Scrolls
- MARCHESELLI Maurizio: Inscription On the Cross and Johannine Community (John 19:19-22)
- PANCZOVÁ Helena: Technique of the Translation From the Biblical Greek: The Issue of the Hebraisms
Studia Biblica Slovaca 2006:
- GIBLERT Maurice: Father Lagrange. Scientific Exegesis in Service for the Church
- BRAULIK Georg: The Destruction of the Nations and the Return to the Promised Land. Hermeneutical Observations on the Book of Deuteronomy
- ŠOLTÉS Peter: John Paul II to the Youth: “You Are the Salt of the Earth, the Light of the World”
- HERIBAN Jozef: Have the Same Mind Among Yourselves, Which Is in Christ Jesus (Phil 2:5)
- ŠTRBA Blažej: Miqveh – Ritual Water Installation For the Purification in the Early Period of Judaism
- MRÁZ Marián: Find of the Frankfurt Edition of Pagnino’s Version of Translation in the Central Part of Slovakia
- DUBOVSKÝ Peter: Treasuries in the Slovak Parish Houses: Frankfurt Edition of Vatable’s Correction of the Pagnino’s Latin Translation of the Bible
- DUBOVSKÝ Peter: Treasuries in the Slovak Parish Houses: the Latin Text of Frankfurt Edition of the Bible
- PANCZOVÁ Helena: Preface to the Frankfurt Edition of Vatable’s Correction of the Pagnino’s Latin Translation: Translation From the Latin Original
- PANCZOVÁ Helena: Content of the Complete Version of the Holy Scripture, i.e., of the Old and New Testament: Translation From the Latin Original
- ŠIMONČIČ Jozef: Transliteration and Translation of the Holograph Annotations in the Frankfurt Edition
Studia Biblica Slovaca 2005:
- FARKAŠ Pavol: The Past and the Present of the Biblical Sciences in the Slovakian Context
- DUBOVSKÝ Peter: Explanation of the Sacred Scritpture: A Hermeneutical Model Based On the Theory of the Four Cultures
- JANČOVIČ Jozef: Imago Dei (Gen 1:27) – Biblical Concept of Completeness and Perfection of Human Being
- ŠTRBA Blažej: What Has Peter Done, When the Cock Crowed a Second Time? A Philological Note On the Verb έπιβάλλω in Mk 14:72
- DUBOVSKÝ Peter – SOVA Milan: Proposal for the Transcription and Transliteration of the Hebrew Consonants and Vowels Into Slovak