About Conference

Intrabiblical Interpretation of the Former Prophets

13 – 15 December 2019, Badín (Slovakia)

Conference Logo

The Former Prophets (Josh – Judg – 1-2 Sam – 1-2 Kgs) have long been studied under the auspices of modern historiography. They describe events and periods of historical significance for the formation of ancient Israel in the monarchical period as well as from the exilic and the postexilic perspective. Characters like Joshua, Samuel, Elijah, Elisha, along with other prophets (i.e. Ahijah, Deborah, Huldah, Gad…), were at the centre of attention of the hagiographers. The international conference Intrabiblical Interpretation of the Former Prophets addresses the traditions associated with those characters during the formation of the Old Testament and New Testament writings. The aim of the conference is to examine the particular literary characteristics, the typological development and the theological importance of the above-mentioned prophetic characters throughout the later history in the canonical writings which originated from the Former Prophets.

Keynote speakers:

Jeremy Corley (Maynooth, IE): The Depiction of Elijah in Ben Sira 48:1-11

Peter Dubovský, SJ (Rome, IT): Elijah’s and Elisha’s Miracles

Emanuel Tov (Jerusalem, IL): Major Israelite Figures in the Tradition of the Septuagint

Venue: St. Francis Xavier Seminary, Badín (Slovakia)

Convenors: Prof. Ing. Peter Dubovský, SJ, Th.D., Prof. ThDr. Pavol Farkaš, PhD.

Organising Committee: Prof. Ing. Peter Dubovský, SJ, ThD., ThDr. Ing. Jozef Jančovič, PhD., SSL. Ing. Martina Korytiaková, ThDr. Jozef Repko, PhD., SSDr. Blažej Štrba, PhD., Mgr. Ing. Zuzana Badlíková, Ing.  Michal Sandánus