Studia Biblica Slovaca 12 (1/2020) – available

The content of the current issue StBiSl 12 (1/2020):

  • TOV, Emanuel: Some Major Israelite Figures in the Former Prophets in the Tradition of the Septuagint
  • DUBOVSKÝ, Peter: From Miracle-makers Elijah and Elisha to Jesus and Apocrypha
  • TICHÝ, Ladislav: Rahab the Prostitute in the New Testament
  • MAREČEK, Petr: Elijah: His Role and Importance in the Gospel of Luke  
  • PANCZOVÁ, Helena: Allegorical Exegesis of the Greek Philosophers as Background of Hellenistic Biblical Exegesis: Literary-cultural Survey [in Slovak]

You can find the summaries of all the treatises here. To see the complete issue click here.

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