The content of the current issue StBiSl 14/2 (2022):
- GIROLAMI, Maurizio: Hellenistic Interpretation of the Hebrew Text of Prov 8:22-31 up to the Beginning of the Christian Era
- ATTARD, Stefan M.: Self-Portrayal as a ‘Fence around Torah’: An Ethical Critique of Eleazar’s Martyrdom in 2 Maccabees 6:18-31
- WATERS Sr, Kenneth L.: Jesus and the Passover in Mark 14:1-12: A Chronological Confusion?
- PAVELČÍK, Július: The Book of Acts 12:25 – A Contextual Interpretation [in Slovak]
- ŠTRBA, Blažej: Traces of the “Spirit of Wisdom” in the Old Testament
- The issue also includes abstracts of Liber Annuus LXX (2020), and a book review.
You can find the summaries of all the treatises here. To see the complete issue click here.