The content of the current issue StBiSl 13/2 (2021):
- HOSŤOVECKÝ, Miroslav: The Interpretation of the Term “Azazel” in the Scapegoat Ritual of Lev 16 and Its Later Reception [in Slovak]
- GOSSE, Bernard: The Administration of the Postexilic Sanctuary in the Line of the Chronicles Traditions, the Governor, the Priest, and Cyrus, and the Charismatic Contestation
- KĽUSKOVÁ, Mykhaylyna: The Portrayal of Gad in 1 Chr 21
- KORYTIAKOVÁ, Martina: The Semi-Figurative Meaning of σκάνδαλα in Jdt 5:1: An Interpretation from the Perspective of an Ancient Warfare Defence
- PRIHATNÝ, Pavel: Poem on Endeavour for Wisdom (Sir 6:18-37): Semitic and Poetic Analysis [in Slovak]
- ÁBEL, František: Elijah in the Message of Paul the Apostle: Typology of the Elijah Figure in Paul’s Missionary Zeal for the Gospel
- BRAULIK, Georg: To Love the Stranger: About the Commandment in Deuteronomy 10:19 [in Slovak]
You can find the summaries of all the treatises here. To see the complete issue click here.