1. Submission Requirements

[Submission Requirements in .pdf]

1.     Basic Information for Submitting Manuscripts

  1. The submitted manuscripts, including their attachments, should be exclusively posted as electronic files. Preferred formats for the text and tables of the manuscripts are those of MS Word (.doc or .docx) or those converted to the same format if another OS is used, such as Macintosh or Linux. Only files conforming to the StBiSl guidelines will be accepted. Manuscripts should be submitted to the editor-in-chief by e-mail attachment to: redakcia(at)biblica.sk. In the sent file, its author anonymity should be set up, i.e. all parts which could identify the author should be in the file’s properties removed.
  2. By the submitting of the article to the StBiSl review process and by the article’s acceptation for the publishing, the author gives his/her agreement with the publishing of the article in StBiSl. This act replaces an exclusive licence agreement which means that the author retains copyright in the work but grants the StBiSl publisher the sole and exclusive right and licence to publish for the full legal term of copyright.
  3. Requests for book reviews should be sent by e-mail to the review editor at redakcia(at)biblica.sk. The books should be posted to: Redakcia Studia Biblica Slovaca, Banská 28, 976 32 BADÍN, Slovakia.

a)   Specific Format Criteria – Text

  1. The length of the submitted manuscripts (including spaces and footnotes):
    • a. Articles: 20.000 – 70.000 characters (shorter manuscripts are preferred),
    • b. Research notes: 10.000 – 20.000 characters,
    • c. Reviews: 7.000 – 20.000 characters.
  2. Sheet format: A4.
  3. Fonts preferred: Times New Roman, Normal, 12-points.
    • a. When the Hebrew and Greek languages are used, UNICODE fonts are required.
    • b. In the Greek texts, accents and aspirations should be used; the Hebrew and Aramaic texts should be used without the Masoretic vocalization save the cases when the vocalization needs to be highlighted.
    • c. When other Semitic languages than Hebrew is used (e.g. Akkadic, Coptic, Syriac, etc.), the author should inform the editorial office or editor-in-chief.
    • d. For the transliteration or trans-vocalization of the Hebrew and Greek words the authors should refer to Štrba, Blažej: Bibliografia biblických vied slovenskej a českej proveniencie (1989 –  2013). Bibliography of biblical sciences of Slovak and Czech provenance (1989 – 2013) (StBiSlSup), Badín: Vlastným nákladom, 2014, 300-305.
  4. For highlighting, Italics is allowed, bold is not.
  5. Single line spacing.
  6. Headings can be numbered either by using of a pre-defined style or by a manual numbering. For more, see General Layout of Manuscript.
  7. No wrapping, no special formatting, no indentation of paragraphs should be used in the manuscript.
  8. When the articles are written in other than the Slovak language, the exact orthography and grammar should be followed.
  9. The given guidelines should be followed in the articles as well in research notes, reviews, news or announcements.

b)   Formatting of the Quotations and Bibliographic References

  1. For a more transparent and a higher readability, the biblical quotations in the original languages should be kept in the text to a minimum.
  2. Abbreviations of the biblical books and abbreviations of the often-cited works should be used in accord with Abbreviations on www.biblica.sk.
  3. Biblical passages between chapters are indicated by using a dash (–) without spaces before and after it, e.g. Exod 3:1–4:18. For indicating the biblical passages between the verses in one chapter, a hyphen (-) is used, e.g. vv. 5-6[1]. A dash (–) with a space before and after it is used only for an indication of a historical period, e.g. 58 – 56 B.C.E. or several co-authors of one monograph in both the footnotes and the list of bibliography.
  4. If there are quotation marks within a cited passage in the text (the so-called citations within citations), different type of quotation marks should be used:
    1. “Text texxttext texttexttexttext «text text text text» text text…”
  5. In the text of the manuscript, the footnotes are indicated by a number in the superscript before the punctuation mark, with the exception in the case of the question mark:
    • Texttext “… textetexttexttexttexttexttexttext”13, texttexxttext…

When the citations are full sentences or passages of more than three lines, they should be given as a new paragraph:

    • Text texttext texttexxttext text texttext texttexxttext text texttext texttexxttext text texttext texttexxttext text texttext texttexxttext text texttext texttexxttext text texttext texttexxttext text text texttext texttexxt texttexxttext text texttext texttexxttext text texttext texttexxttext text texttext texttexxttext text texttext texttexxttext text texttext texttexxttext text texttext texttexxttext text texttext texttexxttext text texttext.14

6. Footnotes should be placed on the respective pages in the manuscript. In the footnotes, all bibliographic references, including the first one, should be given in an abbreviated form (see below). Pages in the citations are indicated without the “p.” abbreviation; notes are indicated with the “n.” abbreviation. Abbreviated form of the references in footnotes:

      • monographs: Surname, Title, page, note.: Ska, Our Fathers, 5, n. 6.
      • articles, contributions in monographs: Surname, Title, page: Eßer, Barmherzigkeit, 5.

7. If there are several different works from one author cited in the same footnote, the author’s surname should be indicated repeatedly, i.e. without the use of Ibid., Idem., or Id.

8. For the author’s surname, small caps should be used Abcd, not capital letters ABCD.

9. A full or complex, i.e. non-abbreviated, form of the references is given only in the final bibliography.

10. The bibliography, or list of references at the end of the contribution, should include all works cited in the article or research note. The entries should be in an alphabetical order by the last name of the author/editor, or by the last name of the first author/editor if there are several co-authors/co-editors. If there is no author/editor, the respective work is ordered by the first letter of its title. Several works by an identical author are ordered by the year of the publication, starting with the oldest work. The author’s name should be repeated for each work separately.

11. The first name of the author/editor should be given in the full form (e.g. Zenger, Erich; not Zenger, E.). If the author/editor has more than one first name, at least one should be given in the full form; the remaining names can be indicated by the initials (e.g. Fitzmyer, Joseph A.).

c)   General Layout of Manuscript

  1. The manuscript should have a title characterizing its content. A subtitle, specifying the argument of the manuscript can be added. The editors may modify the title of the manuscript as far as its linguistic and/or stylistic aspect is concerned.
  2. Generally, the body of the manuscript should be as follows: introduction, chapters (if necessary, divided into sub-chapters), conclusion, bibliography, summary and key words.
  3. The article begins with an introduction and it ends with a conclusion. The main body of the text of the manuscript should be subdivided into several chapters and (if necessary) sub-chapters. Headings of chapters should be given in Regular Font Style and numbered by Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3…). A rational levelling of headings should be used in the manuscripts, i.e. no more than two sub-levels (1 Heading1, 1.1 Heading2, 1.1.1 Heading3). Introduction and conclusion are not numbered. Example:


1 Xxxxxxxx xxxxx

1.1 Xxxxxxxx

1.1.2 Xxxxxxxx

2 Xxxxxxxxxxxx

2.     Required Parts of the Manuscripts

The authors of articles, short research notes or reflection essay are also asked to submit:

  1. the title (and subtitle, respectively) of the manuscript in English,
  2. a short Summary of 1.100 characters maximum including spaces in English,
  3. key words (no more than five) in Slovak/Czech and English,
  4. bibliography or list of references (see § C.1.b.9-11) and
  5. author’s contact details (name and surname, academic affiliation, professional or personal mailing address and e-mail).

In the case of a submitted review, the authors should indicate the data of the reviewed work as follows: Surname, First Name: Title. Subtitle (Series Number), Place of publication: Name of the Publisher, Year. pages. ISBN.

3.     Attachments

  1. Illustrations, pictures and graphs should be supplied with the highest quality and in an electronic format which facilitates publishing the article in the best way possible. Submitted images are published only in black and white colour in print. Pictures should be sent separately in the following preferred formats: .JPG, .JPEG, .TIFF, .BMP and .EPS (for graphs and line art). Rasterized based files (i.e. with .TIFF or .JPEG extension) require a resolution of at least 300 dpi (dots per inch). Images should be properly marked and identified. For their placement, a placeholder note should be added in the running text, i.e. “(insert Figure 1)” etc.
  2. Figures, charts and tables created in MS Word can be included in the main text. If created outside MS Word, i.e. MS Excel (.xls or .xlsx), JPG or PDF, they should be submitted separately.

[1] The same rule should be applied for the indication of the page range in the bibliographical references in the footnotes and in the list of bibliography at the end of the article.

For some examples see StBiSl’s Citation Style.